Duval Messien – Company – Quality & Test

Quality, safety and environment protection at the heart of our DNA

The main mission of DUVAL MESSIEN is to protect effectively its customers against lightning risk, while ensuring the provision of the best technics and available materials complying with regulatory requirements.
For the development of these products, in the respect of the standards and rules and in order to satisfy its national and international customers requirements, DUVAL MESSIEN has implemented rigorous procedures  under the control of famous certifications agencies.
To ensure the continuous improvement of our company system and our customers satisfaction, DUVAL MESSIEN sets each year quality committments and quality objectives.

DUVAL MESSIEN is certified ISO 9001 for 10 years.


Safety, Hygiene and Environment protection are important objectives for DUVAL MESSIEN. They are a long term part of a process of continuous progress. This improvement process of safety, Hygiene and Environment protection, is the logical complement of the Quality step in which the company committed with success. This process is based on a preventive approach and a voluntary and efficient participation of  all staff.

Risks Prevention is the priority to ensure the staff protection.  It concerns all the activities of lightning protection. It also responds to a growing expectation of our customers  concerned with compliance with their safety instructions and the trouble free operation of their facilities.

Prevention,  permanent regulatory watch are levers for improvement of staff safety.

DUVAL MESSIEN objectives, are Accident zero, Zero occupational disease and zero waste left on site, which requires an attention of each person in terms of attendance, rigor, hygiene, respect and perseverance. 

To intervene in total safety and in compliance with the constraints of sensitive sites on which we intervene, DUVAL MESSIEN adhered to the MASE approach and obtained the certification of the steering committee « Etang de Berre » and « Normandie ».

Our job is also to recover radioactive lightning rods (PARADES) installed until 1987. We dismantle lightning rods with RADIUM and AMERICIUM (sealed sources), condition it in metallical barrels and store it in a place adapted waiting the pick up and the treatment by ANDRA. For this mission  we have an ASN Authorization (N°T130863).

In order to prevent from conventional and radiologic risks to which its staff may be exposed working with ionizing influences, DUVAL MESSIEN has an organization which respect always the safety expectations in term of training, medical monitoring and exposition for this type of staff. 


DUVAL MESSIEN develops products in compliance with the requirements of the specifications in controlled conditions, and respecting the environment. The developped and commercialized materials by DUVAL MESSIEN, and particularly the lightning rods of SATELIT range, have been tested in France and abroad by authorized and independant laboratories, according to the standards in force.


Our range of products is in compliance with the french, european and international standards in force.

Our products can be adapted to all projects complying with 

  • the specificities of the installations relating to their environment
  • the characteristics and particularities of the equipements to protect
  • the differents levels of protection

Our company is certified.

Duval Messien received the certifications

  • ISO 9001 (Version 2015 (on quality)
  • MASE (Management of health and work safety)
  • Qualifoudre : the obtaining of Qualifoudre referencial shows the quality of the services in 5 fields (Manufacture, Lightning Risk Analysis, Technical Studies, Installation and Checking) with skilled staff certified from level I to level IV.

ILPA : International Lightning Protection Association gathers all the experts of electricity sector as well as manufacturers of Early Streamer Emission lightning rods from all the world. Being a member allows to participate to different symposiums organized regularly on lightning protection systems and on standards in force.


Duval Messien – Company – Quality & Test

Quality, safety and environment protection at the heart of our DNA

The main mission of DUVAL MESSIEN is to protect effectively its customers against lightning risk, while ensuring the provision of the best technics and available materials complying with regulatory requirements.
For the development of these products, in the respect of the standards and rules and in order to satisfy its national and international customers requirements, DUVAL MESSIEN has implemented rigorous procedures  under the control of famous certifications agencies.
To ensure the continuous improvement of our company system and our customers satisfaction, DUVAL MESSIEN sets each year quality committments and quality objectives.

DUVAL MESSIEN is certified ISO 9001 for 10 years.


Safety, Hygiene and Environment protection are important objectives for DUVAL MESSIEN. They are a long term part of a process of continuous progress. This improvement process of safety, Hygiene and Environment protection, is the logical complement of the Quality step in which the company committed with success. This process is based on a preventive approach and a voluntary and efficient participation of  all staff.

Risks Prevention is the priority to ensure the staff protection.  It concerns all the activities of lightning protection. It also responds to a growing expectation of our customers  concerned with compliance with their safety instructions and the trouble free operation of their facilities.

Prevention,  permanent regulatory watch are levers for improvement of staff safety.

DUVAL MESSIEN objectives, are Accident zero, Zero occupational disease and zero waste left on site, which requires an attention of each person in terms of attendance, rigor, hygiene, respect and perseverance. 

To intervene in total safety and in compliance with the constraints of sensitive sites on which we intervene, DUVAL MESSIEN adhered to the MASE approach and obtained the certification of the steering committee « Etang de Berre » and « Normandie ».

Our job is also to recover radioactive lightning rods (PARADES) installed until 1987. We dismantle lightning rods with RADIUM and AMERICIUM (sealed sources), condition it in metallical barrels and store it in a place adapted waiting the pick up and the treatment by ANDRA. For this mission  we have an ASN Authorization (N°T130863).

In order to prevent from conventional and radiologic risks to which its staff may be exposed working with ionizing influences, DUVAL MESSIEN has an organization which respect always the safety expectations in term of training, medical monitoring and exposition for this type of staff. 


DUVAL MESSIEN develops products in compliance with the requirements of the specifications in controlled conditions, and respecting the environment. The developped and commercialized materials by DUVAL MESSIEN, and particularly the lightning rods of SATELIT range, have been tested in France and abroad by authorized and independant laboratories, according to the standards in force.


Our range of products is in compliance with the french, european and international standards in force.

Our products can be adapted to all projects complying with 

  • the specificities of the installations relating to their environment
  • the characteristics and particularities of the equipements to protect
  • the differents levels of protection

Our company is certified.

Duval Messien received the certifications

  • ISO 9001 (Version 2015 (on quality)
  • MASE (Management of health and work safety)
  • Qualifoudre : the obtaining of Qualifoudre referencial shows the quality of the services in 5 fields (Manufacture, Lightning Risk Analysis, Technical Studies, Installation and Checking) with skilled staff certified from level I to level IV.

ILPA : International Lightning Protection Association gathers all the experts of electricity sector as well as manufacturers of Early Streamer Emission lightning rods from all the world. Being a member allows to participate to different symposiums organized regularly on lightning protection systems and on standards in force.


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