Duval Messien – Lightning Phenomenon

Lightning phenomenon

With nearly 2000 storms per hour and nearly 5 millions lightning strikes a day on the area on our planet, storm phenomenons are very feared.

Today with the multiplication of violent storms due to climate change, lightning risk control  has become a major economic issue.

They produce hundreds of flashes of of thousands of ampers every second.

A third of them hit the ground. Damages to property and people can have serious consequences.

The different lightning strikes are the following : 

Negative descending lightning strikes, with positive arc
Negative descending lightning strikes without positive arc
Positive ascending lightning strikes

From the twentieth century, the lightning phenomenon becomes interesting.

We discover that the storms are necessary for life, that they maintain the electrical field of our planet.
The development of the energy transport networks, computer and electronic stimulated research.
We have today a great knowledge on the lightning phenomenon and the means of protection.



The main storm creator is the cumulo-nimbus.

  • It is a cloud whose the top has the characteristic shape of an anvil.
  • Its base is flat
  • It can be situated between 500 and 3 000 meters from the ground.
  • Its top can reach more than 15 000 meters in less than half an hour.
  • This cloud can have an area of several dozen of km².

Duval Messien – Lightning Phenomenon

Lightning phenomenon

With nearly 2000 storms per hour and nearly 5 millions lightning strikes a day on the area on our planet, storm phenomenons are very feared.

Today with the multiplication of violent storms due to climate change, lightning risk control  has become a major economic issue.

They produce hundreds of flashes of of thousands of ampers every second.

A third of them hit the ground. Damages to property and people can have serious consequences.

The different lightning strikes are the following : 

Negative descending lightning strikes, with positive arc
Negative descending lightning strikes without positive arc
Positive ascending lightning strikes

From the twentieth century, the lightning phenomenon becomes interesting.

We discover that the storms are necessary for life, that they maintain the electrical field of our planet.
The development of the energy transport networks, computer and electronic stimulated research.
We have today a great knowledge on the lightning phenomenon and the means of protection.



The main storm creator is the cumulo-nimbus.

  • It is a cloud whose the top has the characteristic shape of an anvil.
  • Its base is flat
  • It can be situated between 500 and 3 000 meters from the ground.
  • Its top can reach more than 15 000 meters in less than half an hour.
  • This cloud can have an area of several dozen of km².

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